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Proximus can help you with the digital transformation of your healthcare company by meeting your ICT, Telco and Security needs.

To do this, Proximus has tailored its range of services and products to the healthcare sector.

chapter 7

Why Proximus? 
1. Our services

Proximus Group is the Belgian market leader in telecoms and IT services. The group is active in the Benelux and serves residential, commercial and public customers.

Proximus Enterprise’s ambition is to guide companies on their way to digital transformation. In doing so, Proximus combines:

With expertise in IT domains such as:

And for all those domains, a wide experience in:

  • Consultancy services
  • ICT-hardware and software purchases
  • Staffing with specialists
  • Large and small projects
  • Managed services and outsourcing

Maar wat leveren die data nu concreet op? De tweede horde die maakbedrijven nemen, is die data op een overzichtelijke en efficiënte manier aan de medewerkers presenteren.  

Guy De Winne (ST Engineering): “De voorbije jaren verzamelden we heel wat data, maar die zat verspreid over verschillende databases, zowel vanuit de productie en machines als uit de ondersteunende diensten. We wilden ervoor zorgen dat alle informatie gecentraliseerd werd in één datacube met verschillende views. Zodat elke medewerker vlot de juiste informatie voor zijn functie uit die centrale database kan halen.” 

2. Proximus Accelerators  

You will find all the necessary IT expertise within the Proximus Accelerators ecosystem. From hyperconnected infrastructure over digital workplace to IT security and innovation. The Accelerators speak your language and together we define, plan and turn your transformation into a success story.

You focus on your job, we do the rest

Are you looking for an ICT infrastructure that meets your needs 24/7?Proximus Assist & Care offers you a range of service options giving you the flexibility to choose the solution best suited to the needs of your care staff. That way, you guarantee the continuity of your care.

chapter 7

why proximus?

2. Proximus Accelerators  

You will find all the necessary IT expertise within the Proximus Accelerators ecosystem. From hyperconnected infrastructure over digital workplace to IT security and innovation. The Accelerators speak your language and together we define, plan and turn your transformation into a success story.

1. Our services

Proximus Group is the Belgian market leader in telecoms and IT services. The group is active in the Benelux and serves residential, commercial and public customers.

Proximus Enterprise’s ambition is to guide companies on their way to digital transformation. In doing so, Proximus combines:

With expertise in IT domains such as:

And for all those domains, a wide experience in:

  • Consultancy services
  • ICT-hardware and software purchases
  • Staffing with specialists
  • Large and small projects
  • Managed services and outsourcing

Are you looking for an ICT infrastructure that meets your needs 24/7?Proximus Assist & Care offers you a range of service options giving you the flexibility to choose the solution best suited to the needs of your care staff. That way, you guarantee the continuity of your care.

You focus on your job, we do the rest

IT en technologie zijn nog nooit zo belangrijk geweest in de gezondheidszorg als nu. Dat is een van de vele zaken die COVID-19 duidelijk heeft gemaakt. De zorg reorganiseerde zich helemaal in recordtijd en ook de IT-systemen en -ondersteuning doorstonden een kritische test, o.m. door de hybride werkplek onmiddellijk en massaal voor zoveel mogelijke functies toegankelijk te maken. 

En net zoals de rest van de economie na de pandemie niet naar ‘business as usual’ terugkeert, zal ook onze zorgsector er veranderd uitkomen.

COVID-19 heeft alles veranderd

Proximus can help you with the digital transformation of your healthcare company by meeting your ICT, Telco and Security needs.

To do this, Proximus has tailored its range of services and products to the healthcare sector.

Why Proximus? 

chapter 7