Even after the lockdown, up to half the work will be done from home (+50%). While the average percentage of homeworkers before the lockdown was 27%, after the lockdown it will be 41%. (2)

... of companies think that the changes around remote working will be permanent. (1)

8 - 12
Once your employees can get started with the right work tools, this can improve your productivity by eight to twelve percent. (3)

3 in 4
... employers feel that work schedules are a means and not an end.
Two in three (65%) consider output more important than hours worked. (4)

COVID-19 has turned where we work, how we work and how we add value on its head. With the next normal we are moving towards a hybrid workplace.
In that workplace, the key is to find a new balance between virtual and face-to-face collaboration. Productivity improved greatly for knowledge and office workers, which we would like to keep up. Meanwhile, real-live collaboration is something we miss.
We know that customer expectations have changed and will continue to evolve. Today’s best practice is tomorrow’s standard. Organizations therefore need to become digitally savvy. This is only possible if all employees – both knowledge workers and field employees – themselves become digitally savvy.
In the hybrid workplace, flexible work is supported by digital tools that continue to evolve. The ultimate goal? Employing business models that allow you to flexibly handle customer evolutions.
So? How digitally savvy is your organization?

Read more: The next normal
The next step is to ensure that our digital habits continue to evolve. Just like our smartphone, our digital know-how needs to be updated regularly.
- How you can continue to best serve your customers?
- The well-being of your staff working from home?
- How to keep your employees motivated?
- How to keep everyone in your organization connected?
- How you can provide training and guidance for the new digital skills needed when telecommuting?
- How you and all your employees can make the most of the hybrid workplace as the new normal, even in the long run?
Are you also lying awake thinking about...
The number of days per week on average that executives and white-collar workers will be allowed to work from home after corona, if their type of work allows it. (6)

(1,7) Source: McKinsey, July 2020
(2,4,5,6) Source: Telework survey by Acerta, KU Leuven and HR Square, September 2020
(3) Source: Workforce Productivity Benefits, A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study Commissioned By Dell, January 2019
Normally, it would take a company 15 months to roll out a home working solution. Because of COVID-19, solutions (temporary or otherwise) were realized in an average of 10.5 days. (7)

During the lockdown, the sectors with the highest number of homeworkers were: government (89%), finance (83%) and services (65%). After the lockdown, these figures are expected to be 78%, 76% and 52% respectively. (5)

Satya Nadella,
CEO Microsoft
We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”

You are not alone.
The challenges of the pandemic are enormous at both the private and the professional level. Companies and organizations have been forced to shift gear and embrace the digital workplace faster than ever. Including those who were previously very skeptical.

3 in 4
... employers feel that work schedules are a means and not an end.
Two in three (65%) consider output more important than hours worked. (4)

8 - 12
Once your employees can get started with the right work tools, this can improve your productivity by eight to twelve percent. (3)

... of companies think that the changes around remote working will be permanent. (1)

Even after the lockdown, up to half the work will be done from home (+50%). While the average percentage of homeworkers before the lockdown was 27%, after the lockdown it will be 41%. (2)

We know that customer expectations have changed and will continue to evolve. Today’s best practice is tomorrow’s standard. Organizations therefore need to become digitally savvy. This is only possible if all employees – both knowledge workers and field employees – themselves become digitally savvy.
In the hybrid workplace, flexible work is supported by digital tools that continue to evolve. The ultimate goal? Employing business models that allow you to flexibly handle customer evolutions.
So? How digitally savvy is your organization?
COVID-19 has turned where we work, how we work and how we add value on its head. With the next normal we are moving towards a hybrid workplace.
In that workplace, the key is to find a new balance between virtual and face-to-face collaboration. Productivity improved greatly for knowledge and office workers, which we would like to keep up. Meanwhile, real-live collaboration is something we miss.

Satya Nadella,
CEO Microsoft
We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”

You are not alone.
The challenges of the pandemic are enormous at both the private and the professional level. Companies and organizations have been forced to shift gear and embrace the digital workplace faster than ever. Including those who were previously very skeptical.
- How you and all your employees can make the most of the hybrid workplace as the new normal, even in the long run?
- How you can provide training and guidance for the new digital skills needed when telecommuting?
- How to keep everyone in your organization connected?
- How to keep your employees motivated?
- The well-being of your staff working from home?
- How you can continue to best serve your customers?
The next step is to ensure that our digital habits continue to evolve. Just like our smartphone, our digital know-how needs to be updated regularly.
Are you also lying awake thinking about...
Normally, it would take a company 15 months to roll out a home working solution. Because of COVID-19, solutions (temporary or otherwise) were realized in an average of 10.5 days. (7)

During the lockdown, the sectors with the highest number of homeworkers were: government (89%), finance (83%) and services (65%). After the lockdown, these figures are expected to be 78%, 76% and 52% respectively. (5)

The number of days per week on average that executives and white-collar workers will be allowed to work from home after corona, if their type of work allows it. (6)