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The digitally savvy


The digitally savvy organization offers its employees a high-performance hybrid workplace where they can collaborate and innovate efficiently. Because that is the best guarantee for keeping your customers loyal to you.

In addition to the necessary tools and IT applications, the social and mental support from each department plays a crucial role. This way, a digitally savvy organization can continue to motivate and engage its employees at home and in the office.

After all, organizations need to accelerate digitally to remain relevant to their customers.



Source: The life and times of cybersecurity professionals 2018. Research by ESG and ISSA, 2019.

... of organizations fear a shortage of cybersecurity skills.

The digitally savvy organization provides a seamless transition between different workspaces.
The base for digitally savvy employees is the smart office: a smart and safe place that supports their productivity..


The workspace

  • Zero-trust is possible because the software-defined IT environment can be configured very quickly, cost-effectively and automatically in contrast to the more static IT environments of the past.

  • Combined with single sign-on and two-factor authentication, this ensures a very secure yet user-friendly digital working environment.

Of course, companies do not want to be hacked and therefore provide a workspace that is as secure as possible. More and more, the zero-trust principle is applied. Instead of prohibiting what is not allowed, zero-trust reverses this line of thinking and focuses on what is allowed. The user himself is only prevented when he tries to do something that is not allowed.

Safe workspace






...of employees had clicked on a phishing email.

Source: European Cyber Security Perspectives 2019.

All these technologies mean that the IT landscape is becoming more complex. To keep it all manageable, organizations can use Digital Workplace-as-a-Service (WPaaS).

With WPaaS, you purchase a digital workplace for your employees in the form of a service, at a fixed price per user. This allows your organization to focus on its core business, while you hire specialists to manage and maintain an efficient and productive hybrid work environment.

The great advantage for you? Taking all your worries away. You immediately benefit from a holistic approach: the devices, the digital programs, the support and the security. The digital workplace thus becomes a service that evolves with the latest technologies and the needs of your organization.

Ensured support

Smart office

Meanwhile, company buildings are also becoming ‘smarter’. Smart buildings are integrated physical and digital infrastructures that ensure optimal occupancy in a reliable, cost-effective and sustainable manner. Supported by underlying technologies (such as AI, VR/AR, IoT, Cloud, 5G, Fiber, etc.), organizations can improve asset reliability and performance, reduce energy consumption, optimize space utilization, and minimize environmental impact.

  • SDx offers IT the necessary dexterity to give the right applications and devices priority on the network with easy software.

  • Proximus can deploy SDx between different locations (SD-WAN), at any location (SD-LAN) or even at a data center (SD-DC).

Companies that want to innovate need a flexible network that allows them to manage applications properly. More and more organizations are therefore switching to a Software Defined Network (Sdx).

Flexible network

The amount that cybercrime is expected to cost businesses over the next five years.

Source: Accenture, 2019.

billion dollars


Work in a digitally savvy organization is done more dynamically. The rapid evolution from a personal, face-to-face collaborative model to a remote and results-oriented work model in the lockdown taught us a lot. About the relationship with and between digitally savvy employees, for example.

The work

Werk in een digitaal vaardige organisatie verloopt dynamischer dan ooit. De snelle evolutie van een persoonlijk, face-to-face samenwerkmodel naar een remote en resultaatgericht werkmodel veranderde veel. Zo ook de relatie met en tussen de digitaal behendige medewerkers.

  • Communication takes place via the right channels: chat, video calls and meetings, keeping notes... The digitally savvy organization provides its digitally savvy employees with the right (mobile) devices and applications to work efficiently and effectively. From smartphones and laptops to headset to digital programs.

  • Working methods such as ‘agile’ and ‘design thinking’ make your employees more autonomous and responsible and create a culture of agility. This enables you to create added value for your customers faster.

  • Smart digital collaboration also means that everyone has access to the relevant information and data. This is why all documents are in the Cloud, accessible to anyone with the right authorization. This way, employees are able to work together on the same documents synchronously or asynchronously (face-to-face or during video calls).

  • In a more complex world, more expertise from different teams is needed to solve problems. As a result, boundaries between departments may begin to blur. Increasingly, projects are carried by multidisciplinary teams, because any department alone can no longer cover everything. Siloed thinking and doing are now part of the old normal.

  • Smart ideas can come from anywhere and both suppliers and customers are an inexhaustible source of innovation. This source can be tapped into passively (via data analysis) or actively (via co-creation projects that transcend the boundaries of the own organization).

Efficient collaboration was certainly always important, but how it happens in the hybrid way of working is partly different.

Co-creating is the new collaboration

  • In 2019, each Proximus employee attended an average of 4.7 days of training. This figure has for 2020 been increased by 17%.

  • 2,252 employees were already undergoing training aimed at increasing their digital skills.

  • There were more than 90 reverse mentoring sessions, where younger colleagues trained team leaders in the use of digital tools.

Employees do not adopt new work methods such as dexterous and design thinking automatically. It requires commitment and focus. That is why, Proximus continues to put plenty of effort into training and education:

Invest in digital dexterity through training and education

Data-driven work allows for organizations to do the right things.

  • Data on production and other processes, supplemented with data from your suppliers, help to increase your efficiency.
  • Customer data gives you a clearer picture of the wishes and needs throughout the ‘customer journey’ and ensures that you and your employees can respond to them better.
  • Monitoring the use of digital tools can help to put together more targeted training programs.

The ever-expanding digitization also generates a mass of data that enables you to make smarter decisions, get to know your customers better and, in addition, innovate.

A mass of data

  • a diverse training package around both the hard and soft skills necessary in the hybrid workplace of today and tomorrow.

  • a detailed work-from-home policy with clear guidance for employees on the do’s-and-don’ts in the hybrid workplace.

  • a clear HR policy around working from home, with a focus on assistance, dialogue, evaluations and rewards, giving your employees and teams more responsibility, trust and control over the way they work.
  • safety and security: not only for monitoring workstations, Internet quality, ergonomic comfort, etc., but also in terms of cyber security.

Because of this continuous digitalization, training and coaching of employees has also become a continuous point of attention. The digitally savvy organization provides...

Training & coaching

Pairi Daiza, voted best zoo in Europe three times, offers an unforgettable stay in the heart of the park, with a great TV experience and on-demand content.


Our digital media solutions enable you to communicate efficiently with your employees and customers.

  • Centralize and structure all your digital assets with our Media Asset Management (MAM) solution.
  • Improve the customer experience by sharing your message with a large audience through Business TV and Digital Signage.

Communicate efficiently

Increase and maintain the engagement of workers, sales representatives, technicians and other employees in the field by always involving them in the company, even if they are not often in the headquarters.

Keep them informed through...

  • Daily communication tools such as check-lists, business updates, incident reports, task and shift planning and more.
  • HR information such as training schedules, mobile My HR applications, tools to handle administration, etc.
  • Mobile access to essential documents and other company communications.

Pay attention to mobile employees

  • Better communication and collaboration anytime, anywhere with Office 365, Teams and other collaboration apps.
  • Mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, headsets and other accessories.
  • Hybrid meeting and training rooms
  • Support in implementing digital solutions. You can increase user adoption through an action plan in measurable steps, supplemented with additional info and training sessions for your employees.

Stay in close contact with office staff and provide...

The tools

Employees are now further apart from each other than ever before. That is why it is crucial to improve the employee experience, avoid frustration with IT and increase performance in the workspace. Therefore, a digitally savvy organization deploys a wide range of tools and applications that keep your employees’ work running smoothly both in and out of the office.

The business

The shift to a new, digital business model has come faster than expected for many companies. That is why Proximus offers tailor-made workspace solutions so that companies can continue to focus on their core business. 4 aspects are important: take away worries, build digital competence, measure and continue to evolve.

  • By preparing strategic choices: from devices and business software to security, service desk and other services such as remote or on-site assistance;

  • By arranging the financing of all equipment, staffing and management of supporting IT services through a combination of purchase, lease or as-a-service procurement;

  • By taking over the operational management of the company’s IT (from commissioning changes and enhancements to decommissioning)

  • By focusing on the adoption of new digital technologies (such as AI, VR/AR, IoT, Cloud, Cybersecurity, 5G or Fiber), by continuing to innovate in this and by passing on our own experience to your employees.

1. Take away worries of digitally savvy organizations

  • Determine what ROI you expect from the digital workplace
  • In order to measure the usage of digital tools, make sure to use the end-user monitoring. Of course, by applying the GDPR rules. This also lets you avoid IT-problems proactively.

  • Examine the situation as it is after the switch by analyzing the KPI dashboards: to what extent is the digital workplace and the various applications being used? Which tools and applications are being used and which have not (yet) been adopted?

  • Compare the situation before and after the switch to measure success.

  • Organize training and other practical learning experiences to make your employees true ambassadors (Digital Heroes) of the digital workplace.

The only way to find out whether the digitaplworkspace has achieved the result promised is by measuring its use:

3. To measure is to know

    • Training sessions (both in person and via webinars) should ideally be interactive: by allowing employees continuously to practice new aspects and updates of the digital workplace, they are more likely to accept ongoing changes more readily.

    • Handy cheat sheets provide concise explanations of individual uses of the digital workplace, while user manuals offer a more comprehensive and complete overview of the various applications and functionalities.

    • A list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) can reduce the number of questions to customer services.

    • Videos with screenshots can show end-users step-by-step how to do something.

Keeping all your employees on the same page and building their digital expertise: that is the key to the success of your digital workplace and a prerequisite for the further digitalization of your company, customer contact and business model.

You can invest as much time and energy in your digital workplace as you like, unless your employees are fully committed, it will not deliver. A few essential aspects to ensure that your employees stay on top of the digital business model:

2. Build digital competence

Just as Rome was not built in a day, the hybrid workplace will require constant effort:

Continuous evolution

  • Demonstrate the benefits of digital working in their immediate environment
  • Help colleagues and answer their questions
  • Keep up-to-date with new digital ways of working together
  • Share feedback and expertise in the community of Digital Heroes

These digital heroes...

As a way of further supporting the digitalization throughout the organization, Proximus launched the ‘Digital Heroes’ project: employees with digital skills who want to lead the way and help facilitate the transition to a digital way of working.

Digital heroes at Proximus

  • Nothing happens by itself, including your digital workplace. It is essential that your strategy and roadmap for your digital workplace are accompanied by a clear step-by-step approach.

  • Your digital workplace is a long-term project. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and your digital workplace will need to keep up. If you work in the Cloud, updates are installed automatically so giving you one thing less to worry about.

  • Expand the digital workplace step-by-step. You may not need to digitize everything in your business, but you may be able to generate additional value for your business by digitizing less obvious things.
  • Experiment with new technologies, such as AI, VR/AR, IoT, Cloud, Cybersecurity, 5G or Fiber, even if they do not seem like a good fit for your business at first. See if you can set up a specific testing area within your organization. You can use the experience you gain there to take your digital workplace to the next level.

  • The hybrid workplace is everyone’s responsibility, not just IT’s or HR’s. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and your organization’s digital dexterity also depends on how digitally savvy all your departments, teams and employees are. Digital dexterity should therefore be included in the objectives of every manager and employee.

The digitally savvy organization offers its employees a high-performance hybrid workplace where they can collaborate and innovate efficiently. Because that is the best guarantee for keeping your customers loyal to you.

In addition to the necessary tools and IT applications, the social and mental support from each department plays a crucial role. This way, a digitally savvy organization can continue to motivate and engage its employees at home and in the office.

After all, organizations need to accelerate digitally to remain relevant to their customers.


The digitally savvy
  • Zero-trust is possible because the software-defined IT environment can be configured very quickly, cost-effectively and automatically in contrast to the more static IT environments of the past.

  • Combined with single sign-on and two-factor authentication, this ensures a very secure yet user-friendly digital working environment.

Of course, companies do not want to be hacked and therefore provide a workspace that is as secure as possible. More and more, the zero-trust principle is applied. Instead of prohibiting what is not allowed, zero-trust reverses this line of thinking and focuses on what is allowed. The user himself is only prevented when he tries to do something that is not allowed.

Safe workspace
Secure Notarial Network (BNN)

In collaboration with the Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries (Fednot), Proximus set up a secure network for notaries. By the end of September 2020, more than 38,000 notarial deeds had already been executed remotely.


Bron: Gartner, februari 2019

Find out more about SDx

  • SDx offers IT the necessary dexterity to give the right applications and devices priority on the network with easy software.

  • Proximus can deploy SDx between different locations (SD-WAN), at any location (SD-LAN) or even at a data center (SD-DC).

Companies that want to innovate need a flexible network that allows them to manage applications properly. More and more organizations are therefore switching to a Software Defined Network (Sdx).

Flexible network

Explore all the possibilities of smart buildings.

Smart office

Meanwhile, company buildings are also becoming ‘smarter’. Smart buildings are integrated physical and digital infrastructures that ensure optimal occupancy in a reliable, cost-effective and sustainable manner. Supported by underlying technologies (such as AI, VR/AR, IoT, Cloud, 5G, Fiber, etc.), organizations can improve asset reliability and performance, reduce energy consumption, optimize space utilization, and minimize environmental impact.

The digitally savvy organization provides a seamless transition between different workspaces.
The base for digitally savvy employees is the smart office: a smart and safe place that supports their productivity..


The workspace

Work in a digitally savvy organization is done more dynamically. The rapid evolution from a personal, face-to-face collaborative model to a remote and results-oriented work model in the lockdown taught us a lot. About the relationship with and between digitally savvy employees, for example.

Make sure your digitally savvy staff has the best training and counselling.

  • In 2019, each Proximus employee attended an average of 4.7 days of training. This figure has for 2020 been increased by 17%.

  • 2,252 employees were already undergoing training aimed at increasing their digital skills.

  • There were more than 90 reverse mentoring sessions, where younger colleagues trained team leaders in the use of digital tools.

Employees do not adopt new work methods such as dexterous and design thinking automatically. It requires commitment and focus. That is why, Proximus continues to put plenty of effort into training and education:

Invest in digital dexterity through training and education

  • a diverse training package around both the hard and soft skills necessary in the hybrid workplace of today and tomorrow.

  • a detailed work-from-home policy with clear guidance for employees on the do’s-and-don’ts in the hybrid workplace.

  • a clear HR policy around working from home, with a focus on assistance, dialogue, evaluations and rewards, giving your employees and teams more responsibility, trust and control over the way they work.
  • safety and security: not only for monitoring workstations, Internet quality, ergonomic comfort, etc., but also in terms of cyber security.

Because of this continuous digitalization, training and coaching of employees has also become a continuous point of attention. The digitally savvy organization provides...

Training & coaching

Data-driven work allows for organizations to do the right things.

  • Data on production and other processes, supplemented with data from your suppliers, help to increase your efficiency.
  • Customer data gives you a clearer picture of the wishes and needs throughout the ‘customer journey’ and ensures that you and your employees can respond to them better.
  • Monitoring the use of digital tools can help to put together more targeted training programs.

The ever-expanding digitization also generates a mass of data that enables you to make smarter decisions, get to know your customers better and, in addition, innovate.

A mass of data

Get access to a wide range of analytics services and applications with Proximus Analytics.

  • Communication takes place via the right channels: chat, video calls and meetings, keeping notes... The digitally savvy organization provides its digitally savvy employees with the right (mobile) devices and applications to work efficiently and effectively. From smartphones and laptops to headset to digital programs.

  • Working methods such as ‘agile’ and ‘design thinking’ make your employees more autonomous and responsible and create a culture of agility. This enables you to create added value for your customers faster.

  • Smart digital collaboration also means that everyone has access to the relevant information and data. This is why all documents are in the Cloud, accessible to anyone with the right authorization. This way, employees are able to work together on the same documents synchronously or asynchronously (face-to-face or during video calls).

  • In a more complex world, more expertise from different teams is needed to solve problems. As a result, boundaries between departments may begin to blur. Increasingly, projects are carried by multidisciplinary teams, because any department alone can no longer cover everything. Siloed thinking and doing are now part of the old normal.

  • Smart ideas can come from anywhere and both suppliers and customers are an inexhaustible source of innovation. This source can be tapped into passively (via data analysis) or actively (via co-creation projects that transcend the boundaries of the own organization).

Efficient collaboration was certainly always important, but how it happens in the hybrid way of working is partly different.

Co-creating is the new collaboration

The work

Pairi Daiza, voted best zoo in Europe three times, offers an unforgettable stay in the heart of the park, with a great TV experience and on-demand content.


Our digital media solutions enable you to communicate efficiently with your employees and customers.

  • Centralize and structure all your digital assets with our Media Asset Management (MAM) solution.
  • Improve the customer experience by sharing your message with a large audience through Business TV and Digital Signage.

Communicate efficiently

Increase and maintain the engagement of workers, sales representatives, technicians and other employees in the field by always involving them in the company, even if they are not often in the headquarters.

Keep them informed through...

  • Daily communication tools such as check-lists, business updates, incident reports, task and shift planning and more.
  • HR information such as training schedules, mobile My HR applications, tools to handle administration, etc.
  • Mobile access to essential documents and other company communications.

Pay attention to mobile employees

  • Better communication and collaboration anytime, anywhere with Office 365, Teams and other collaboration apps.
  • Mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, headsets and other accessories.
  • Hybrid meeting and training rooms
  • Support in implementing digital solutions. You can increase user adoption through an action plan in measurable steps, supplemented with additional info and training sessions for your employees.

Stay in close contact with office staff and provide...

Employees are now further apart from each other than ever before. That is why it is crucial to improve the employee experience, avoid frustration with IT and increase performance in the workspace. Therefore, a digitally savvy organization deploys a wide range of tools and applications that keep your employees’ work running smoothly both in and out of the office.

The tools

Find out how we can help you with the training and adoption of your digital workplace solutions.

  • Experiment with new technologies, such as AI, VR/AR, IoT, Cloud, Cybersecurity, 5G or Fiber, even if they do not seem like a good fit for your business at first. See if you can set up a specific testing area within your organization. You can use the experience you gain there to take your digital workplace to the next level.

  • The hybrid workplace is everyone’s responsibility, not just IT’s or HR’s. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and your organization’s digital dexterity also depends on how digitally savvy all your departments, teams and employees are. Digital dexterity should therefore be included in the objectives of every manager and employee.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things is making life easier for all of us. By connecting things together, you know which parking space is still available or where your goods are exactly. Thanks to the data obtained, you are aware of everything (number of people in the office, CO2 measurement, air quality), optimize your processes and improve the comfort of your end customers.

Bron: Gartner, februari 2019

  • Determine what ROI you expect from the digital workplace
  • In order to measure the usage of digital tools, make sure to use the end-user monitoring. Of course, by applying the GDPR rules. This also lets you avoid IT-problems proactively.

  • Examine the situation as it is after the switch by analyzing the KPI dashboards: to what extent is the digital workplace and the various applications being used? Which tools and applications are being used and which have not (yet) been adopted?

  • Compare the situation before and after the switch to measure success.

  • Organize training and other practical learning experiences to make your employees true ambassadors (Digital Heroes) of the digital workplace.

The only way to find out whether the digitaplworkspace has achieved the result promised is by measuring its use:

3. To measure is to know

  • Nothing happens by itself, including your digital workplace. It is essential that your strategy and roadmap for your digital workplace are accompanied by a clear step-by-step approach.

  • Your digital workplace is a long-term project. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and your digital workplace will need to keep up. If you work in the Cloud, updates are installed automatically so giving you one thing less to worry about.

  • Expand the digital workplace step-by-step. You may not need to digitize everything in your business, but you may be able to generate additional value for your business by digitizing less obvious things.

Just as Rome was not built in a day, the hybrid workplace will require constant effort:

Continuous evolution

  • Demonstrate the benefits of digital working in their immediate environment
  • Help colleagues and answer their questions
  • Keep up-to-date with new digital ways of working together
  • Share feedback and expertise in the community of Digital Heroes

These digital heroes...

As a way of further supporting the digitalization throughout the organization, Proximus launched the ‘Digital Heroes’ project: employees with digital skills who want to lead the way and help facilitate the transition to a digital way of working.

Digital heroes at Proximus

    • Training sessions (both in person and via webinars) should ideally be interactive: by allowing employees continuously to practice new aspects and updates of the digital workplace, they are more likely to accept ongoing changes more readily.

    • Handy cheat sheets provide concise explanations of individual uses of the digital workplace, while user manuals offer a more comprehensive and complete overview of the various applications and functionalities.

    • A list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) can reduce the number of questions to customer services.

    • Videos with screenshots can show end-users step-by-step how to do something.

Keeping all your employees on the same page and building their digital expertise: that is the key to the success of your digital workplace and a prerequisite for the further digitalization of your company, customer contact and business model.

You can invest as much time and energy in your digital workplace as you like, unless your employees are fully committed, it will not deliver. A few essential aspects to ensure that your employees stay on top of the digital business model:

2. Build digital competence

Ready for hybrid working with WPaaS

Workplace-as-a-service includes, among other things:

  • Conceptualizing workspaces
  • Installing IT infrastructure at the office or at home
  • Installing and managing hybrid meeting rooms
  • Tools for hybrid working:
    -     collaboration apps
    -     digital whiteboarding
    -     stable video conferencing
  • Supporting users remotely or locally

This way, your employees can easily switch between working at the office, from home, or during their commutes.

Click for more info about WPaaS.

Bron: Gartner, februari 2019

  • By preparing strategic choices: from devices and business software to security, service desk and other services such as remote or on-site assistance;

  • By arranging the financing of all equipment, staffing and management of supporting IT services through a combination of purchase, lease or as-a-service procurement;

  • By taking over the operational management of the company’s IT (from commissioning changes and enhancements to decommissioning)

  • By focusing on the adoption of new digital technologies (such as AI, VR/AR, IoT, Cloud, Cybersecurity, 5G or Fiber), by continuing to innovate in this and by passing on our own experience to your employees.

1. Take away worries of digitally savvy organizations

The shift to a new, digital business model has come faster than expected for many companies. That is why Proximus offers tailor-made workspace solutions so that companies can continue to focus on their core business. 4 aspects are important: take away worries, build digital competence, measure and continue to evolve.

The business